
I needed a home for all the notes, outlines, thoughts, and material that I’ve collected over the years for my personal studies.

Some of these studies have turned into Growth Group topics that I now share with fellow brothers and sisters within our church family.

I have also found it much easier and more efficient to present my teaching materials online, rather than on printouts, or nothing at all in some cases. This allows me to provide resource links, embed audio/video, make edits & update as needed, and more.

Time constraints are my enemy.

As an aside, the blog feature gives me an outlet for expressing my thoughts as I reflect back and look ahead while continuing to grow in my daily walk.

Like the majority of websites, this is a work in progress. So feel free to check back often and take what you can. Just be sure to give it away as well.

Maybe sometime soon, there’ll be more of us on here sharing what we have been given.

– Leif